European Centre for Medium
Range Weather Forecasts

HNF Europe Meeting of March 1 2001 at ECMWF in Reading, UK.

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High Performance Networking a ECMWF, Walter Zwieflhofer, ECMWF, UK
Network requirements at Deutsche Klima Rechenzentrum, Hartmut Fichte,l Deutsches Klima- Rechenzentrum.
The Grid Project, an overview Arie Van Praag, CERN, Switzerland.
Linux Clusters and Clustering Software, Eric Michaud, Compaq, France
Progress in GSN and ST, Don Woeltz, Genroco, USA.
ST for LINUX. Pekka Pietikainen, CERN, Switzerland.
Quadrics Technology in High Performance Clusters, John Taylor, Quadrics, UK, Italy.
HIPPI installations, GSN/Pathforward work--show pictures, Tom Adams, IBM, Austin, USA.
10 Gig Ethernet futures, Infiniband futures. 14.30
News from SGI, High performance computing & Networking. Tony Voellm, SGI, USA 15.00
A Supernic for 10 GigE and Infiniband, John Freisinger, Essential Communications, USA.
High Performance Networking, a historical overview finishing
with a comparison of known 10Gbit/s technologies.
Arie Van Praag, CERN, Switzerland.