Global Data


        Used Packages



                                        -- ==============================================================================
                                        -- ==============================================================================
                                        -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                        --  All signals of the ICs are shown in the port description.
                                        --  The order of signals is according to the specifications of the
                                        --  S-LINK and TYLK2501.
                                        --  Signals that should be driven directly on the board are shown as
                                        --  comment with the word 'direct'. 
                                        -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                        --   Total I/O signals (including clock pins, excl. test port)           (85)
                                        -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                        --  S-LINK signals                                                       (43)
                                        -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
UD                 : in  std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
URESET_N           : in  std_logic ;
UTEST_N            : in  std_logic ;
UCTRL_N            : in  std_logic ;
UWEN_N             : in  std_logic ;
UCLK               : in  std_logic ;
LFF_N              : out std_logic ;
LRL                : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
LDOWN_N            : out std_logic ;
UDW                : in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0); --  for future use, grounded
                                        -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                        --  S-LINK LEDs                                                          ( 4)
                                        -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- POWERLED_N : direct                  -- Green LED between Vcc and Gnd with R
TESTLED_N          : out std_logic ;    --  Red
LUPLED_N           : out std_logic ;    --  Green
LFFLED_N           : out std_logic ;    --  Red
ACTLED_N           : out std_logic ;    --  Green. Activity LED.Data being sent
                                        -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                        --  Special signals                                                      ( 1)
                                        -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
XCLK               : in  std_logic ;    --  125 MHz external clock
                                        -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                        --  Serializer/Deserializer (TLK-2501) -- general terminals              ( 1)
                                        -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
ENABLE             : out std_logic ;
--  GND            : direct             -- to Gnd
--  GNDA           : direct             -- to Gnd
--  LOCKREFN       : direct             -- to Vcc
--  LOOPEN         : direct             -- to Gnd. Loop enable. High for 
                                        --  Internal loopback path active.
--  PRBSEN         : direct             -- to Gnd. 
--  RREF           : direct             -- to an external reference resistor, 
                                        --  used to provide an accurate current 
                                        --  reference to the transmitter 
                                        --  and receiver I/O circuitry.
--  TESTEN         : direct             -- Unconnected
                                        -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                        --  Transmitter side of TLK-2501 -- used for data transmission           (18)
                                        -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                        --  Differential serial outputs to physical link
--  DOUTTXN        : direct             -- negative terminal of the differential 
                                        --  serial output
--  DOUTTXP        : direct             -- positive terminal of the differential 
                                        --  serial output
--  GTX_CLK        : direct             -- reference clock to transmitter 
                                        --  interface. Same connection as XCLK
TXD                : out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
                                        --  Terminals to control the kind of data presented to the TLK-2501
                                        --  and their validity
TX_EN              : out std_logic ;
TX_ER              : out std_logic ;
                                         -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                         --  Receiver side of TLK-2501 -- return lines and flow control            (19)
                                         -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                         --  Differential serial inputs from the forward channel 
--  DINRXN         : direct              -- negative terminal of the differential
                                         --  serial input
--  DINRXP         : direct              -- positive terminal of the differential 
                                         --  serial input
RXD                : in  std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
                                         --  Received parallel data
RX_CLK             : in  std_logic ;     --  Recovered clock. 
                                         --  Terminals to control the kind of data received from TLK-2501
                                         --  and their validity
RX_ER              : in  std_logic ;
RX_DV              : in  std_logic ;
ICLK_2             : in  std_logic ;

        Local Signals
                                         -- signal names have where possible prefix of module where it is output from
                                         -- signal names have where possible suffix of clock they are synchronised to
                                         -- U  : Synchronous to UCLK
                                         -- X  : Synchronous to XCLK
                                         -- I  : Synchronous to ICLK_2
                                         -- RX : Synchronous to RX_CLK
signal REG_UTEST_U   : std_logic  ;
signal REG_UCTRL_N_U : std_logic  ;
signal REG_UWEN_N_U  : std_logic  ;
signal REG_UTEST_N_I : std_logic  ;
signal REG_URESET_N_I: std_logic  ;
signal REG_UD_U      : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0) ;
signal TEST_TMODE_N_U: std_logic  ;
signal TEST_DATA_U   : std_logic_vector (33 downto 0) ;
signal FIFO_FULL_U   : std_logic  ;
signal FIFO_DATA_I   : std_logic_vector (33 downto 0) ;
signal FIFO_EF_I     : std_logic  ;
signal FIFO_WREF_U   : std_logic  ;
signal FRAME_RE_I    : std_logic  ;
signal FRAME_DATA_I  : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0) ;
signal FRAME_CMD_I   : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) ;
signal PAR_DATA_I    : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0) ;
signal PAR_TXCMD_I   : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) ;
signal CRC_COMMAND_I : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) ;
signal CRC_DATA_I    : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0) ;
signal RCH_XOFF_RX   : std_logic  ;
signal RCH_LDOWN_RX  : std_logic  ;
signal RCH_LDC_RESET_RX : std_logic  ;
signal RCH_RXER_RX   : std_logic  ;
signal RCH_TESTER_RX : std_logic  ;
signal CTRL_RESET_I  : std_logic  ;
signal CTRL_LDCRESET_I : std_logic  ;
signal CTRL_LDOWN_I  : std_logic  ;