VHDL models of S-LINK


To help S-LINK designers in debugging their links designs or motherboard designs, an extensive set of VHDL models has been made.
FEMB Extensive model. Controlled by a text file. Outputs interpreted commands and timing in a text file. Extensive timing checks are performed
LSC Simple model using a parallel cable. Does not implement test mode
LDC Simple model using a parallel cable. Does not implement test mode
ROMB Extensive model. Controlled by a text file. Outputs interpreted commands and timing in a text file. Extensive timing checks are performed


14 May 1996 The FEMB - ? - ROMB system is finished. It has been tested with dummy S-LINK - simply the connection between FEMB and ROMB, as it is suggested in the S-LINK Implementation Guide. Written by Piotr Kapusta.
16 May 2000 After four years, the model is revived in view of making a complete set of simulation models for helping debugging an ODIN VHDL core. Minimal modifications were required.



CERN - High Speed Interconnect - S-LINK
Erik van der Bij - 17 May 2000