SCI Applications
HEP Projects
The following HEP projects are investigating the usability of SCI for their applications.
RD24, "An Application of the Scalable
Coherent Interface (SCI) to Data aquisition Systems for LHC". Members of this
CERN based research project on SCI is active contributors to the SCI standard and
members of IEEE-1596.* standards comittees.
For information about other HEP experiment/projects considering or planning to
use SCI, e.g., ALICE, ATLAS, CMS, STAR etc, click
Other Projects
SCI, being specially suited for high performance MPP applications,
is being planned in many more or less known MPP projects.
- The European Space Agency, ESA, is planning to use SCI in their next DAQ system.
- Lexmark and Los Alamos National Lab have joined in an ARPA-funded
consortium to develop high performance low-cost parallel fiber-optic links
specifically for SCI.
For information about companies actively working with SCI, e.g. Dolphin, IBM, APPLE, ...