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1 Introduction
1.2 Scope
The ROB is part of the dataflow of the ATLAS Experiment. The dataflow includes the following elements;
- Front-end Electronics including the Read-out Driver (ROD).
- Level-1 Trigger which provides the RoI information.
- Level-2 Trigger.
- Read-out Buffers.
- Event Builder and Level-3 Trigger.
- Run Control.
- Timing, Trigger and Control (TTC).
The ROB must receive data from front-end and Level-1 read-out electronics, via a ROD, interact with the Level-1, Level-2 and Level-3 Triggers and communicate with the Run Control.
The ROB users who set the user requirements are;
- Front-End (each detector may have different requirements).
- Level-1 Trigger.
- Level-2 Trigger.
- Level-3 Trigger.
- Run Control.
- TTC.
Issue: 1.2 - Revision: 0 - Last Modified: 18 June 1996
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