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1 Introduction

1.4 References

Software Engineering Standards, C. Mazza et al., ISBN 0-13-106568-8, Prentice Hall, Hemel Hempstead UK 1994.
PSS-05 Templates (ESA Software Engineering Standards): User Manual, Mario Ruggier, ECP Division, CERN.
ATLAS Read-out Buffer: Hardware Requirements Document, O. Boyle & Robert McLaren.
The Level-1/Level-2 Interface: RoI Unit, Y. Ermoline, ATLAS DAQ Note 94-34, 8 Dec. 1994.
The Level-2 Trigger System Supervision, Y. Ermoline, ATLAS DAQ Note 94-35, 8 Dec. 1994.
ATLAS Level 2 Trigger User Requirements Document, DRAFT #6 - Gamma, 20th October 1995.
Trigger and DAQ Interfaces with front-end Systems Requirements Document (Draft 2.0), Philippe Farthouat.
First level Central Trigger Processor for LHC Experiments, C. Jacobs, J.P. Vanuxem, H. Wendler, O. Buyanov, ATLAS DAQ Note 33, RD27 Note 39, 16th Dec. 1994.
ATLAS Technical Proposal, ftp://www.cern.ch/pub/Atlas/TP/tp.html, 15 December 1994.
Reference to be supplied.

Issue: 1.2 - Revision: 0 - Last Modified: 18 June 1996

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