Next: About this document
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Previous: Acknowledgements
- 1
- The STC104 Asynchronous Packet Switch, Data sheet,
April 1995. SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics.
- 2
- The ATLAS Technical Proposal, CERN/LHCC/94-43, LHCC/P2,
ISBN: 92-9083-067-0.
- 3
- IEEE Std. 1355, Standard for Heterogeneous Inter-Connect
(HIC). Low Cost Low Latency Scalable Serial Interconnect for Parallel
System Construction, IEEE Inc., USA 1995.
- 4
- R.W. Dobinson, B. Martin, S. Haas, R. Heeley, M. Zhu, J.
Renner Hansen, ``Realization of a 1000-node high-speed packet switching
network'', ICS-NET '95 St Petersburg, Russia.
- 5
- C. Clos, ``A Study of Non-blocking Switching Networks'', Bell
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- 6
- W.J. Dally and C.L. Seitz, ``Deadlock-free message routing
in multiprocessor interconnection networks'', IEEE Transactions
on Computers, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 547-553, 1987.
- 7
- Networks, Routers and Transputers, edited by M.D. May,
P.W. Thompson, P.H. Welch, ISBN 90 5199 129 0.
- 8
- A. Klein, ``Interconnection Networks for Universal Message-Passing
Systems'', Proc. ESPRIT Conference '91, pp. 336-351, Commission
for the European Communities, Nov. 1991, ISBN 92-826-2905-8.
- 9
- P.W. Thompson, ``Globally Connected Fault-Tolerant Systems''
in J. Kerridge (ed.), Transputer and occam Research: New Directions,
IOS Press, 1993.
- 10
- International Standard IEC 801-4, Electromagnetic
compatibility for industrial-process measurement and control equipment,
part 4, Electrical fast transient/burst requirements, CEI Geneva,
- 11
- J. R. Hansen et al., Local-Global demonstrator program for
the ATLAS second level trigger, Real Time 97, Beaune, France,
- 12
- R. Bock and P. LeDu, Detector and readout specifications,
and buffer RoI relations, for the level two trigger, internal
ATLAS DAQ note 62, Jan 1997.
- 13
- S. George, J.R. Hubbard and J.C. Vermuelen, Input parameters
for modelling the ATLAS second level trigger, internal ATLAS DAQ
note 70, June 1997.
- 14
- J. C. Vermuelen, Discrete event simulation of the ATLAS
second level trigger, Real Time 97, Beaune, France, 1997.
- 15
- The Rcube Specification, Version 1.7, Laboratoire
MASI, Université de Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France, 1997.
- 16
- The Bullit Data Sheet, Version 2.0, Bull Serial Link
Technology, 1995.
Roger Heeley
Fri Sep 26 17:00:08 MET DST 1997