Application of T9000 to CPLEAR
8 Results
The results reported are based on a three-week run in September/October 1994. During this period two T9000 processor farms were combined into a 50-node processing farm which processed events at a rate of 64 Hz. For the last 128 hours of the run a stable platform was maintained and no failures of the network were observed. During a total running time of 285 hours, 26 million events were processed. The initial and main source of problems was the susceptibility of the DS links to noise. This problem was resolved with suitable hardware modifications. Samples of the histograms produced by CPREAD were recorded and all output from the farm was written to six Exabyte devices. The results have been verified against the standard CPLEAR off-line program.
The feasibility of a T9000 farm processing the full CPLEAR event rate (approx. several hundred Hz) was based on measurements made on the T805 system implemented in 1993. The 50 MHz T9000 was expected to be at least a factor of ten more performative than a 20 MHz T805 and a 64-node 50 MHz T9000 farm should have processed events at about 400 Hz. However, the current prototype T9000 performance falls short of its design goals and only a factor of four improvement over the T805 instead of the expected factor of ten has been measured.
Application of T9000 to CPLEAR - 09 NOV 95

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