[2] Fabrice Chantemargue: "Communication benchmarks with HPs and IBMs connected around an Ancor Fibre Channel Fabric", CERN/EAST note 94-24, August 1994
[3] Fabrice Chantemargue: "High Performance TCP/IP communication benchmarks with HPs and IBMs connected around an Ancor Fibre Channel Fabric", November 1994
[4] Fabrice Chantemargue, Susana Munoz, Gaetano Maron: "Fibre Channel Equipment under Test", March 30 1995.
[5] Fibre Channel Adapter/266, User's Guide and Reference, IBM.
[6] Rudy Bock & al.: "Status Report: Embedded Architectures for Second-level Trigger (EAST)", CERN/DRDC 94-20, 9 May 1994.
[7] CMS Technical Proposal, CERN/LHCC/94-38.
[8] ATLAS Technical Proposal, CERN/LHCC/94-43, 15 December 1994.
[9] Rudy Bock & al.: "Programmable active memories in real-time tasks", Nucl. Inst. Meth., A 356 (1995) 457.
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