Fibre Channel Video Errata
This is a copy of the message I sent to the FCA 7 February 1995. EB.
I've just started reading the video workbook and I've found already a few errors. Also the video contains a
few errors. This errata list is not complete.
Part 2
- picture 133 to 1062 Baud (pretty slow isn't it?)
- the guy says that the length is in the frame header, which is not true
Part 2 and 3
- Pictures of Arbitrated loop show two loops, which is not true. There should be only one input and
one output.
- I don't like the 'pause' symbol in the video when tables are shown. Most recorders don't give a good
enough still picture to make the tables readable. I think it should be at least some longer so you can glance
through the table while the video is running. People can always stop the video if they like it. The pause
symbol goes as well over the picture.
- Figure 2.3: 62.5 um Multimode Fiber: goes to 175 km and 350 km with 100 and 50 MB/s
respectively. Those distances would have been nice!
- Figure 2.13: The frame header really does not have the frame length in it. This is an error that
appeared already in the FCA connection to the Future booklet and I had posted that error already before.
- Figure 3.6: Pictures of Arbitrated loop show two loops, which is not true. There should be only one
input and one output. I believe that this error also appeared before in the FCA booklet and was mentioned
to the FCA before.
- Page 19, Device_Data frames: ... is not known to the application OF to the upper-level... This 'of'
should read as 'or'.
- Page 21, first paragraph: is it really true that Fibre Channel retransmits entire sequences
automatically when an error occurred? I don't think so.
- Page 22 Class 3 service: What to do with the sentence "If only one user's link is busy, however, the
transmission will be blocked". I think this has to do with multicast service or so, but that is not mentioned.
- Page 51: Last sentence /pnb/FCSI should read /pub/FCSI I think.
- Can you also give a phone number for the FCA that is reachable from Europe? 800-numbers don't
work from here. A fax number would be useful as well.
Again, I did not read further than page 22, so I assume there must be more of this type of errors. Please
correct them in a new version and add an errata list.
Even though they contain some errors, I think the video and workbook are very useful tools to introduce
technically oriented people to Fibre Channel.
Best regards,
Erik van der Bij
This is one of the CERN High Speed Interconnect pages - 8 February 1995 - Erik van der Bij