Long Distance HIPPI Connections

HIPPI-Serial Rev 2.6 has been approved as American National Standard X3.300-1997. The published document has the same technical content as HIPPI-Serial.

  1. Serial-HIPPI exist in a long wavelenght (1300 nm) version covering distances up to 10 Km using single mode fiber.
  2. Serial-HIPPI exist in a short wavelength ( 850 nm) version covering distances up to 500 m using multimode fiber.
  3. A user test of Serial HIPPI over 8.5 Km of Single mode Fiber using the HIPPI Modem:
    Testing a long distance Serial-HIPPI link for the NA48 experiment,

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ESS-002 - SF;
830-nm Short wavelength Serial HIPPI port for multimode fiber
connections up to 300 m for ESS800 and ESS 2000 switches.
ESS-002 - LF; for multimode fiber connections up to 1 km, or single-mode fiber
connections up to 10 km
for ESS800 and ESS 2000 switches.
EHM HIPPI Modem for Parallel to Serial conversion or
Short wavelength to Long wavelength conversion
EC-340-SF PCI - Serial HIPPI Short Wavelength for up to 300 m connections
EC-340-LF PCI - Serial HIPPI Long Wavelength for up to 10 Km connections
L 7 Router HIPPI to Gigabit Ethernet Media Converter
EC-330-SF Short and Long wavelength fibre connections for SGI Indigo

HFP-832 (SW) PCI Serial HIPPI-800 controller Short Wavelength ( up to 500 m )
HFP-832 (LW) PCI Serial HIPPI-800 controller Long Wavelength ( up to 10 Km )



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This is one of the CERN High Speed Interconnect pages - 25 October 2001 - Arie van Praag