High Performance Parallel Interface for HP Apollo 9000 Series 700

Product Number J2096A HP HIPPI Link Series 700

Product Overview


Throughput IN: TCP/IP stack - 25 MBytes/s, Low Level API - 28 MBytes/s.

Throughput OUT: TCP/IP stack - 39 MBytes/s, Low Level API - 54 MBytes/s.

Latency (one way): TCP/IP stack - 150 µs, Low Level API - 80 µs.

Major Benefits:

Physical Characteristics

Size: 28.4 x 21 cm.

Operating temperature rnge: 0 to 55 degrees Celsius.

Operating humidity range: 5% to 95% RH.

Electromagnetic and safety: meets international Class A requirements.

Information from the H.P. specification sheet printed 11/93 Hewlett Packard Grenoble France

Arie van Praag CERN (arie@vxcern.cern.ch) 24 October, 1994