Simple PMC to S-LINK interface
(Circuit no. 680-1110-150)
Bottom side of PMC to S-LINK interface with PMC connectors.
The S-LINK connector is mounted at other
side of the card.
The Simple PMC to S-LINK interface is a PCI Mezzanine Card that is needed
to interface S-LINK Link Source Cards (LSCs) in a PMC environment. The
interface itself is fully compliant to the PMC as well as the S-LINK specification.
However, when the SLINK LSC is plugged onto the SPS, the total height will
be larger than allowed by the PMC specification.
The interface was made with simplicity of design in mind. This has consequences
for the ease of programming and the maximum transfer rate that the interface
can handle. The maximum transfer rate is around 65 MByte/sec with 32-bit
SLINK interfaces.
The Simple PMC to S-LINK has Front End Motherboard (FEMB) functionality,
is a duplex implementation, with a 33 MHz UCLK frequency, having 5 Volt
signal levels and a maximum transfer rate of 65 MByte/sec. In S-LINK terms
this is coded as a FEMB-D-33-x-5.0-65.
Furthermore the interface features:
Programmable UDW[1..0], URESET# and UTEST# lines
Readable LRL[3..0] and LDOWN# lines
Interrupt on change of status of LRL[3..0] or LDOWN#
As far as the PMC interface goes it features:
33 MHz PCI clock
32 bit databus
Integrated DMA
Bus target and initiator functionality
Prototype in wire-wrap tested and debugged
14/2/96: PCB sent to fabrication, expect debugged boards back 15/3/96
13/3/96: PCB back from fabrication, being mounted
8/5/96: 3 PCBs mounted, all tested
8/7/96: 5 PCBs mounted, all tested. New PCB designed and will be sent 15/7/96
to INCAA for commercialisation
30/10/96: Another 5 PCBs are mounted and have been tested
18/2/97: Boards available from INCAA
10/7/97: INCAA Computers starts
second production run
14/2/96: Simple software to access the board from LynxOS is written, Interrupt
handling under LynxOS must be solved
13/3/96: Simple link driving software is under test
9/4/96: Specification for driver written
8/5/96: Extensive test program for LynxOS written. LynxOS driver skeleton
ready, S-LINK related parts being written.
3/6/96: test software available on the web
30/10/96: newer versions of test software on web, ATLAS software being
18/2/97: ATLAS library ready
22/8/97: Drivers for Linux and NT are being developed
10/8/98: Drivers for Linux, LynxOS and NT available
CERN - High
Speed Interconnect - S-LINK
Erik van der Bij - 12 May