SLIDAD, an S-LINK Infinite Data Drain
Circuit no. 680-1110-100B
The SLIDAD is a stand-alone device that connects to the S-LINK connector
of a Front-end Motherboard (FEMB). You can use it to test the hardware
of a FEMB at its S-LINK interface without having to set up a real S-LINK
with software on the receiving side.
You plug the SLIDAD instead of a Link Source Card on the FEMB, so it
will show the data that is sent by the FEMB. You can see directly the data
you send on LED's and you may connect a logic state analyser to the three
20-pin connectors. You may also set the values of the return lines. With
the single-step mode you can even receive and check the data on a word-by-word
basis. Advanced set-up and trigger files for HP16500 Logic State analysers
are available.
LED indicators for all S-LINK connector signals
Emulation of LDOWN via switch, LEMO connector or 20-pin connector
Emulation of LFULL via switch, LEMO connector or 20-pin connector
Single step emulation (via LFULL) with push-button
Three connectors allow direct observation of data and control signals with
a logic analyser
(the connectors have the same layout as on the SLIBOX and the SLIDAS).
5 Volt power supply
Data widths of 8, 16 or 32 bits
March 1996: First prototypes ready
February 1997: Boards available from INCAA
January 2001: board being redesigned for 3V3 operation by NIKHEF
The SLIDAD is a stand-alone hardware device. No software is needed
CERN Engineering Data Management System (EDMS)
CERN - High Speed Interconnect
Erik van der Bij
- 24 January 2001 - Copyright