Simple S-LINK to PCI interface
(Circuit no. 680-1110-450)
The Simple S-LINK to PCI (SSPCI) interface is a short PCI Card that is
needed to interface S-LINK Link Destination Cards (LDCs) in a PCI environment.
The interface itself is fully compliant to the PCI as well as the S-LINK
specification. When the S-LINK LDC is plugged onto the SSPCI, the construction
will still use only one PCI slot.
The interface was made with simplicity of design in mind. This has consequences
for the ease of programming only. With the integrated DMA, the board can
transfer data at the full PMC bus speed which is theoretically 130 MByte/sec.
The Simple S-LINK to PCI interface has Read-out Motherboard (ROMB) functionality,
is a duplex implementation, which can handle an LCLK with a frequency up
to 33 MHz, having 5 Volt signal levels and a maximum transfer rate of 130
MByte/sec. In S-LINK terms this is coded as a ROMB-D-33-x-5.0-130.
Furthermore the interface features:
Buffer size of 256 words
UXOFF# active after 128 words received and not read out
Programmable UDW[1..0], URESET# and UTDO# lines
Programmable URL[3..0] lines
Readable LDOWN#, LDERR# and LCTRL# lines
Interrupt on change of status of LDOWN#, LDERR# or LCTRL#
As far as the PCI interface goes it features:
33 MHz PCI clock
32-bit databus
Integrated DMA
Bus target and initiator functionality
9/1/97: Two prototype boards will be mounted
4/3/97: Cards tested OK
22/5/97: Cards commercially available from INCAA
23/7/97: Full speed PCI version (130 MByte/sec) released.
CERN - High
Speed Interconnect - S-LINK
Erik van der Bij - 12 July