S-LINK General Information
Publications - Slideshows
- Ordering and Engineering information - Other
project information
Describes the S-LINK project (specification, products & applications)
in a concise manner with an updated focus on finished and future developments.
(Presented at the IEEE Xth IEEE Real Time Conference 97, Beaune - France,
September 22-26,1997, published in the Proceedings of the Beaune 97 Xth
IEEE Real Time Conference)
"S-LINK, a Data Link Interface Specification for the
LHC Era", H.C. van der Bij et al. (Postscript 310 KByte)
Describes the S-LINK project (specification, products & applications)
in a concise manner.
(Presented at the 1996 Nuclear Science Symposium, Anaheim, CA, USA,
November 3-9, 1996, published in the IEEE-TNS Conference Issue 1996)
"An Application of S-LINK, a Data Link Interface
Specification, in the ATLAS Readout System", R.A. McLaren et. al
(Postscript 220 KByte)
This paper describes the S-LINK interface specification, the use of
the S-LINK in ATLAS, the physical links being designed, and the test equipment
that has been developed.
(Presented at the second International Data Acquisition Workshop (DAQ96)
on Networked Data Acquisition systems, RCNP Osaka, JAPAN, 13-15 November,
Ordering and Engineering information
Other project information
Erik van der Bij,
Stefan Haas - 30 July 2003