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The S-LINK Interface Specification
10.0 Copyright Statement
The copyright and all other rights relating to these technical specifications, instructions and designs (hereafter: "the Specifications") are vested in CERN.
CERN, on a royalty free basis, hereby grants permission to use or reproduce the Specifications subject to the following conditions:
- Any license granted by CERN to use the Specifications is on as-is basis and CERN provides no express or implied warranties of any kind, including but not limited to those of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of the proprietary rights, such as copyrights, patents and trade secrets, of third parties. CERN accepts no liability whatsoever in connection therewith.
- Such use or reproduction shall be for the licensee's scientific use only. Any use for commercial purposes is subject to prior written consent by CERN.
- All copies made by the licensee of the Specifications shall include this copyright statement in full.
- All products which are based on the Specifications shall visibly include the following acknowledgement:
"This product includes technical information created and made available by CERN."
- CERN shall be granted a royalty free license to use - for internal and non commercial purposes only - all products developed on the basis of the Specifications.
The S-LINK Interface Specification - 27 MARCH 1997
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