LynxOS Software
ATLAS DAQ Prototype-1 project has written a LynxOS library for the SPCIS:
Simple PCI to S-LINK interface and the SSPCI:
Simple S-LINK to PCI interface. Those drivers have been used and tested
in a CES RIO2 environment that uses a PowerPC processor.
The software is a user-level library which maps the interface hardware
in user space. It is not a standard LynxOS driver. Therefore only a single
copy of the data is necessary. The library uses DMA for the data transfers.
Currently interrupts are not used.
It is this library that will be used for the Read-out Buffer software
in the ATLAS DAQ Prototype-1 project. The ATLAS TileCal is using it in
the Read-out Drivers.
22 August 1997. Library is ready and is being used. Code review
is being done. Improvements are made in the field of reset. Performance
measurements are being made with SLIDAS and SLATE.
22 April 1998. Library is ready and being used. Setups are made
for several test beams in July 1998 (TileCal, MDT). Performance measurements
13 November 1998. Library ported to Motorola VME platform by Juanba
Romance, IFIC/Valencia
30 November 1998. New performance measurements made by Maris Abolins
et al.
CERN - High Speed Interconnect
Erik van der Bij - 5 May 1999