6 The T9000 Farm
The GPMIMD machine is being developed as part of the ESPRIT program by Parsys (UK) and Telmat (F). It will consist of 64 T9000 processors with 56 C104s providing full inter-connectivity and is currently being assembled at CERN. Eight motherboards (see Fig. ) will each carry eight T9000s and five C104s. Four switch cards, each with four C104s, will provide the connectivity between the motherboards. This architecture gives four independent networks, each network being associated with one of the four T9000 data links (see Fig. ).
During a three-week period in September/October 1994, a subset of the machine processed events in real-time from the CPLEAR experiment. This machine had 24 processing nodes, on three motherboards, each running at 10 MHz.
This system was combined with the system described in Section 6.4, resulting in a processor farm comprised of 54 processing nodes and 20 C104s.
Application of T9000 to CPLEAR - 09 NOV 95

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