DT2SL Interface 

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Data coming from the subdetectors are delivered to the PC over a DT16 Link. In order to get into the SDPC memory, we must convert to PCI. This is done in two stages as shown below: 


The DT2SL interface converts the DT16 into an S-LINK compliant LDC. We then use an existing S-LINK to PCI card to interface to the PCI bus on the SDPC. The advantage of this approach is that the DT16 to S-LINK conversion is relatively simple - much simpler than building an interface from DT16 to PCI directly. We can then take advantage of the commercially available S-LINK to PCI card and of the considerable amount of S-LINK experience and test hardware which is available.

The Status of the Project


Steffen Luitz
23 July 1998