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3 Specific Requirements

3.2 Constraint requirements

3.2.1 - Physical constraints

3.2.1 Physical constraints

UR CON-SIZE Size Constraint

The board size will be limited to a single width PMC (74 mm x 149 mm).

Need Essential.
Priority Prototype.
Stability The board size may change between the prototype and final system.
Source Dataflow.
Clarity Clear
Verifiability To be decided.

UR CON-POW Power Constraint

The board power consumption will be limited.

Need Essential.
Priority Prototype.
Stability The power available may decrease between the prototype and the final system.
Source Dataflow.
Clarity The power budget has not been defined.
Verifiability To be decided.

UR CON-COST Cost Constraint

The board cost will be limited to that specified in the CORE cost tables.

Need Essential.
Priority Prototype.
Stability The cash available may decrease.
Source Dataflow.
Clarity The cash available for prototyping has not been defined.
Verifiability To be decided.

UR CON-RC Run Control Interface

The ROB-IN must interface to the Run Control to respond to state change commands.

Need Essential.
Priority Final system.
Stability Unlikely to change.
Source Run Control.
Clarity No layer of the interface has been defined.

UR CON-MON Monitor System Interface

The ROB-IN must interface to the Monitor System to supply Monitor Data.

Need Negotiable.
Priority Final system.
Stability Monitor data may pass through an interface which is used by another system.
Source Run Control.
Clarity No layer of the interface has been defined.


The ROB-IN must interface to the ROB-OUT to transfer event fragments.

Need Essential.
Priority Prototype.
Stability Data rates required may change.
Source Dataflow.
Clarity No layer of the interface has been defined.

UR CON-L2 Level-2 Interface

The ROB-IN must interface to the Level-2 Trigger to transfer RoI_Data.

Need Essential.
Priority Prototype.
Stability Data rates may change.
Source Level-2.
Clarity No layer of the interface has been defined.

Issue: 2.0 - Revision: 0 - Last Modified: 18 June 1996

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